Oh-My-Zsh’s plugin system will turbocharge your linux experience. If you are a Manjaro Linux user, check out this article on how to integrate Oh-My-Zsh with the default terminal.
I have a list of great plugins to add to your ~/.zshrc
You can also check out the full list Oh-My-Zsh Github Plugins
List of My Favorite Plugins
1. copybuffer
Copy buffer allows you to copy what is already typed on the command line with ctl+o
2. copydir
Copydir will add your current directory the clip board. Just need to type
in the terminal copydir
3. copyfile
Just enter
in the terminal and the contents of the file will be added to your clipboard.copyfile <your_filename>
4. dirhistory
dirhistory helps one navigate their previous directories. Alt+LeftArrow takes you back to your previous directory while Alt+RightArrow takes you forward. to where your were. Alt+Up takes you to the parent directory (the equivlent of
) cd ../
5. emoji
emoji, as the name suggests, adds emoji support to your terminal
6. encode64
This will encode or decode your input to and from base64
encode64 <your string>
decode64 <your string>
7. git
This creates a bunch of aliases for common git commands. There are too many too list here but you can find them here.
8. history
This aliases the history command that is used to show your past commands.
searches case insensitive. h
prints the list of commands
hs <search>
searches while
hsi <search
9. jsontools
This will help you work with json files:
- pp_json: pretty prints json.
- is_json: returns true if valid json; false otherwise.
- urlencode_json: returns a url encoded string for the given json.
- urldecode_json: returns decoded json for the given url encoded string.
10. kubectl
Maybe a little narrow but aliases a bunch of useful kuburnetes commands if you manage a cluster
11. rsync
rsync is the correct way to copy files and this will alias key commands for you :
rsync -avz –progress -hrsync-copy
rsync -avz –progress -h –remove-source-filesrsync-move
rsync -avzu –progress -hrsync-update
rsync -avzu –delete –progress -hrsync-synchronize
12. sudo
saving one of the best for last I don’t know how I lived without this command. Hitting ‘esc’ twice takes your previous command and adds sudo to the front. Very useful if you needed elevated privileges to run that command
13. web-search
This one will start your web search from your terminal and open your browser.
web_search google pizza
google pizza
web_search duckduckgo pizza
duckduckgo pizza
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[…] And this to the end: Check out what these plugins do in this article […]